The CHS Snowmakers Classifieds include nearly everything a ski resort needs. We travel the country, locate many used items and help the seller get in touch with a buyer. Selling and buying used equipment helps ski resorts be successful by staying within a budget and it makes good environmental sense. Thank you for supporting the ski industry.
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- Full time job postings - FREE (contact us for credits)
- All other listings - $20 per year, plus 5% commission if item sells through CHS Snowmakers (minimum - 50, max negotiable).
- If item sells by private party there is no additional charge.
- Sales Agreement (link above) must be signed and returned before your ad will be approved.
- Use whole numbers ONLY for price (no dollar sign or decimal).
Tiffindell Ski Resort South Africa For Sale
Tiffindell Ski Resort South Africa For Sale - Turnkey resort in the southern hemisphere of Africa available including lodging. At an attractive price for a quick sale (price revealed after communications), open up your horizons and expand into a part of the world with little compeition on the only contintent with ski areas in both hemisphers.
Total views: 942
Total views: 942