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- Full time job postings - FREE (contact us for credits)
- All other listings - $20 per year, plus 5% commission if item sells through CHS Snowmakers (minimum - 50, max negotiable).
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In Search Of - 1985 range Poma triple chairs
In Search Of - 1985 range Poma triple chairs. Chairs and grips must have recent NDT test or guanteed to pass Complete chairs or any parts for the lift California August 2024
Total views: 73
Price: $ 1
Total views: 73
Price: $ 1
Eight Johnson Controls J10 fanguns
Eight Johnson Controls J10 fanguns - These are fully functioning J10 fanguns that have recently been used. Here is the scoop on the J10 fanguns. Johnson Controls had purchased the York snowmaking division and they wanted to build a fangun to compete with other snowgun manufacturers.
Total views: 647
Price: $ 5,000
Total views: 647
Price: $ 5,000
SOLD - 2005 Prinoth BR 350 - 6000 hours - PRICE DROP
SOLD: 2005 Prinoth BR 350 - 6,000 Hours- Terrain.Master Blade with extra high lift for terrain park features.
- Asymmetric Tracks and Posiflex Tiller.
- Cummins 8.8 24-Valve 330 HP Engine - freshly rebuilt (top end,
Total views: 449
Price: $ 45,000
Total views: 449
Price: $ 45,000
In search of Doppelmayr/CTEC double chair and grip
In search of Doppelmayr/CTEC double chair and grip for 1 1/4" rope. Lift is missing one chair and grip SE ski area August 2024
Total views: 89
Price: $ 1
Total views: 89
Price: $ 1
In Search Of - SMI Polecat carriage with or without a pump
In Search Of - SMI Polecat carriage with or without a pump The snowgun must be in good working condition, low hour, ready to go. Pump is a bonus is available. 3 Phase 480 volts 60 Hz Located in MN August 2024
Total views: 100
Price: $ 1
Total views: 100
Price: $ 1
Haul Rope - 1 3/8” diameter, 7400' - PRICE DROP
Haul Rope - 1 3/8” diameter. It has around 7 years of use on a 30 year life on a double lift. The length is approximately 7400ft. Paid $100K for it, and would sell for $50K. NOW JUST $25,000 Removed from service in 2021,
Total views: 90
Price: $ 25,000
Total views: 90
Price: $ 25,000
Portable 70 HP pump on a trailer - PRICE CUT
70 HP pump on a trailer - Price cut in half, need to move out before winter With the help of Ratnik Industries, we have a great pump match. Here is their quote, this doesn't include shipping and modifying the frame if needed or installation.
Total views: 394
Price: $ 1,500
Total views: 394
Price: $ 1,500
Three pump 1800 GPM booster station - price drop
Three pump booster station - Price Drop This pump station was replaced with a larger pump station for 2023. All three pumps in good working condition. Two 250 HP motors (one rebuilt recently), one 300 HP, all 3 phase 480 volts,
Total views: 380
Price: $ 69,000
Total views: 380
Price: $ 69,000
In Search Of - 1988 Dopplemayr quad grips
In Search Of - 1988 Dopplemayr quad grips Measurements in the photos, serveral photos available. Looking for good condition grips to replace ones that have a lot of wear. Located in the southeast USA. June 2024
Total views: 59
Price: $ 1
Total views: 59
Price: $ 1
Yan double chair - parting out
Yan double chair - parting out Originally from Squaw Valley, never reinstalled Kissling gear box- year 1979 and Bull Wheel- 12.5 feet diameter (1) spool 1 ¼ inch wire rope- apx. 4,000 feet (1) bullwheel (top) 12.5 feet diameter (13) return sheeve assemblies (2) break-over tops (15) uphill sheeve assemblies (1) counterweight tower (12) main towers (35 – 50 feet)- bolt plates cut off,
Total views: 419
Total views: 419