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- Full time job postings - FREE (contact us for credits)
- All other listings - $20 per year, plus 5% commission if item sells through CHS Snowmakers (minimum - 50, max negotiable).
- If item sells by private party there is no additional charge.
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Two vertical turbine irrigation pump station (price reduction)
Two 60 HP irrigation vertical turbine booster pump station - Pumps were recently removed and have not been used for some time. Both pumps spin by hand. 60 HP each 1000 GPM, 181 TDH (about 79 psi boost) was $85,000, now $65,000 Located in PA The package system new is approximately $130,000.
Total views: 55
Price: $ 85,000
Total views: 55
Price: $ 85,000
Never used HTM hydrant parts, electrical plugs and other items
CHS Snowmakers cleaning out the shop - January 2025 All items sold as is, prices don’t include Idaho sales tax )if applicable) and shipping. Two Hubbell twist locks 30 amp 600v $30 for both One 100 amp pin and sleeve aluminum Cooper Crouse Hinds male plug One 30 amp pin and sleeve aluminum Cooper Crouse Hinds male plug $50 for both Dozens available 1.5” male cam locks (cast) x 2” MNPT bushing $5 each Rogers hydrants parts including drains and flow control valves $100 HTM parts - Two heads Six handles Two H series bases,
Total views: 32
Price: $ 100
Total views: 32
Price: $ 100
Borvig Platter lift
Borvig Platter lift - 1986 920' horizontal 102' vertical 4 towers 15 HP 480 volts 475 FPM 600 PPH ~33 carriers. Bottom drive top tension but can be flipped really easily. Removed in 2018. All line machinery and carriers are Lietner and can be ordered off the shelf from them.
Total views: 2233
Price: $ 19,000
Total views: 2233
Price: $ 19,000
FREE - Low Voltage Controls Panels
FREE! These low voltage control panels and operator stations could be the perfect gift for your favorite lift mechanic or operator. The lights are red and green and you can make them flash for the perfect Christmas decoration. FREE for local pickup or you pay the freight.
Total views: 98
Total views: 98
SOLD - 2 Pistenbully multiflex tillers
SOLD - 2 multiflex pistenbully tillers available, both have less than 100 hours since Pistenbully went through both of them and many parts are brand new. Have the usual discoloration on the comb, but have 0 mechanical issues, ready to hook up and groom.
Total views: 97
Price: $ 2,500
Total views: 97
Price: $ 2,500
In Search Of - handle tow bull wheel
A midwest ski is looking for a return bullwheel for a handle tow lift or better yet a rope tow. They are building a rope tow and want to use a 4' to 6' diameter old bullwheel for the return. What do you have?
Total views: 44
Price: $ 1
Total views: 44
Price: $ 1
SOLD - 2017 Prinoth Bison X winch cat -
SOLD: 2017 Prinoth Bison X Winch Cat – Excellent Condition Located in Wisconsin, this 2017 Prinoth Bison X Winch Cat has been maintained and was used for grooming the same mountain for just four seasons. Purchased in 2019 for $400,000 with only 160 hours at the time.
Total views: 517
Price: $ 225,000
Total views: 517
Price: $ 225,000
Four Prinoth Husky XC Cabin Cats available
Four Prinoth Husky XC Cabin Cats available - Located in Colorado, four machines available. 2020 - 1044 hours, $220,000 2021 - 1351 hours, $219,000 2022 - 360 hours, $280,000 2023 - 205 hours, $295,000 Contact us for more details and to schedule a visit.
Total views: 281
Price: $ 219,000
Total views: 281
Price: $ 219,000
PRICE DROP - Square D Main Power Disconnect Switches
Square D Main Power Disconnect Switches Two main power disconnects, one is 1600amp and the other is 2000amp, both Square D. Main Disconnects only $2500 each. was $5000 each Located in NY September 2023
Total views: 166
Price: $ 2,500
Total views: 166
Price: $ 2,500
Two 300 HP, 1200 GPM pumps
Two 300 HP, 1200 GPM pumps - (2) 300hp US Motors with (2) Ingersoll 1200gpm pumps w/ wet well cans 3550 RPM, 737' TDH, 3 phase 480 volts, 60 hz Both motors/pumps have been refurbished within the last year. Paperwork can be provided on maintenance.
Total views: 437
Total views: 437