CHS Snowmakers is a Listing Service that connects Seller with Buyer.
The CHS Snowmakers Classifieds/Auction item, listed by individual Seller, is sold with NO WARRANTY.
Listing Service is not responsible for injury or death resulting from any of the listed/sold equipment.
Listing Service strives to make sure every Seller represents their equipment properly on our site. We encourage an inspection of the equipment prior to final payment.
Shipping not included. Delivery details agreed upon and arranged between Buyer and Seller.
DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: ALL GOODS ARE PURCHASED BY THE PURCHASER “AS IS” AND “WITH ALL FAULTS”, AND Listing Service MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS, OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS. Any affirmation of fact or promises made by Listing Service shall not be deemed to create an express warranty that the Goods shall conform to such affirmation or promise. Any descriptions, samples and specifications with respect to goods offered for sale herein are not warranted by Listing Service to be accurate or complete. If a model or sample was shown to Purchaser, such model or sample was used merely to illustrate the general type and quality of goods sold by Seller and not to represent that the Goods would necessarily conform to such model or sample. Any description is for the sole purpose of identifying the Goods and no affirmation, promise, description, sample or model shall be deemed part of the basis of the bargain. Listing Service STRONGLY RECOMMENDS THAT PURCHASER CONDUCT AN ON-SITE INSPECTION OF THE GOODS SOLD HEREUNDER. Listing Service SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF PURCHASER’S FAILURE TO INSPECT THE GOODS OR FOR ANY INACCURACIES, INSUFFICIENCIES, OR OMISSIONS IN SUCH DESCRIPTIONS, SAMPLES AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS. The employees or representatives of Listing Service are not authorized to make any statement or representation as to the quality, character, size, condition, quantity, etc. of the goods offered for sale inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions. Any such statements made will not be binding on Listing Service or be grounds for any subsequent claim.
SALES – USED EQUIPMENT. Purchaser understands that the Goods described herein have been used by persons other than Listing Service. Purchaser is warned and acknowledges that such Goods may bear or contain hazardous chemicals or other hazardous materials which may be or may become, by chemical reaction or otherwise, directly or indirectly hazardous to life, to health, or to property (by reason of toxicity, flammability, explosiveness or for other similar or different reasons during use, handling, cleaning, reconditioning, disposal or at any other time after the article leaves the possession and control of Seller). Purchaser does hereby discharge Listing Service from any and all liability directly or indirectly resulting from the presence of the aforesaid chemicals or materials, including and not limited to any and all liability directly or indirectly resulting from the failure of Listing Service to give more specific warning with respect to individual articles or substances or from the inadequacy of any warning.
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY. Purchaser acknowledges that the Goods sold herein may be dangerous if improperly used. Purchaser acknowledges that it must contact the original manufacturer to obtain up-to-date installation and operation manuals and other information to insure the safe operation of Goods. Listing Service will not be responsible for any loss or injury resulting from defects or alleged defects in the Goods sold or from the subsequent use of the items. Purchaser agrees to defend any suit, action or cause of action brought against Listing Service, its directors, officers, employees and other agents and representatives by any person based on any such alleged injury, illness, or damage and to pay all damages, costs and expenses including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees or legal expenses in connection therewith or resulting therefrom.
INDEMNIFICATION. Purchaser hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Listing Service its directors, officers, employees and other agents and representatives from and against any and all liabilities, judgments, claims, settlements, losses, damages, penalties, obligations and expenses, including attorney’s fees and expenses and other professional fees and expenses, incurred or suffered by such person arising from, by reason of, or in connection with any loss, damage or injury to person or property arising from, by reason of or in connection with the Goods sold hereunder. This indemnification shall survive delivery of the Goods to Purchaser and any subsequent sale or other transfer of the Goods to a third party.
INSURANCE AND SAFETY RULES. Purchaser shall not move, load, transport or otherwise handle the Goods on Seller’s premises without first having obtained insurance coverage satisfactory to Listing Service. Such insurance shall include “Workers Compensation”, employer’s liability, public liability (bodily injury, property damage and contractual liability) and automobile liability (bodily injury and property damage) insurance. Certificates of insurance evidencing the aforementioned insurance coverages shall be furnished to and shall be approved by Listing Service. Purchaser shall comply with Seller’s safety rules and regulations.
INSPECTION. Purchaser has inspected the Goods or hereby acknowledges that Listing Service invited, urged and cautioned Purchaser to inspect the Goods and Purchaser declined to examine the same.
GOVERNING LAW. All invoices and these Terms and Conditions shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Idaho. The parties agree that venue for any claim or controversy arising from or relating to invoices, these Terms and Conditions or the performance or breach thereof shall be exclusively laid and limited to the Boise County, Idaho Court.
TAXES. All taxes assessed to any order are the responsibility of Purchaser, including, but not limited to, local and regional sales taxes and personal property tax, or if applicable, Purchaser is to provide Seller with a valid tax exemption certificate. In the event that Purchaser either fails to pay the tax or other charges as agreed above or fails to provide a valid exemption certificate, Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold Listing Service/Seller harmless from any liability and expense by reason of Purchaser’s failure. Such indemnification shall include, but not be limited to, attorneys’ fees and/or other legal expenses relating to such failure.
REPAIR. Listing Service/Seller is not obligated to do any repair work or modifications upon the Goods prior to sale or delivery. Any repair work or modifications performed by Seller on the Goods prior to sale shall be performed as a result of the sole request of Purchaser using designs and instructions provided by Purchaser. Accordingly, Seller shall not be liable for any alleged damages caused by or resulting from the repairs or modifications.
SEVERABILITY. If any provision of the invoice or these Terms and Conditions is determined illegal or unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of any other provision or paragraph of the invoice or these Terms and Conditions.
FEES AND COSTS. In the event any party institutes legal proceedings to enforce its respective rights arising out of the invoice and these Terms and Conditions, the prevailing party shall be entitled to the award of attorneys’ fees and court costs, plus cost of executing, enforcing and/or collecting any judgment at all trial and appellate levels.